inspiring change through growing minds


I have had a lifelong passion for children’s stories initiated by my own fathers love and creativity in telling bedtime stories from his head each evening. 

This was consolidated when I had my own children and sourcing and collecting special children’s stories for my three children has brought me not only a lot of joy but a treasure trove of a personal collection.

I never imagined that one day I would also write my own.  It has been an absolute joy and incredible journey in the last few years to consider this possibility.  

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My first stories were written during the pandemic in order to support my then seven year old son with the stress and anxiety which accompanied adjusting to life during COVID and the trials and tribulations of home schooling.  He loved the little story so much I decided perhaps I could write more and so the books flowed.   Each of my children’s books hold unique life skills and lessons for children to learn and apply to other areas of their lives.  All the tools and strategies I use have been adapted from those I have used for the 15 years during my therapy with the many clients I have supported.  Whats exciting about these tools and strategies is that I have seen them work !  To pass them onto a younger generation through my stories has been a very rewarding and exciting point in my career.

I am very excited to have finally released the first book in my collection of 14 childrens stories, Little Duck Went Down River has been published in November 2022.


My collection of children’s books target children of all ages.  Having said that, the tools and strategies these books convey can be helpful for anyone reading them – even for the parents, teachers and adults.

I am hoping that in addition to families with young children that these children’s books will also be of interest to classroom teachers, therapists or occupational therapists or any adults who are working with children as good talk around and sharing points to evoke good conversations and learning opportunities about life, overcoming challenges and extending perspectives.   

In addition to these children’s books I am excited to share that I have also written a novel which follows the lives of different woman struggling through personal health challenges.  It follows their very personal and painful moments giving a voice to a so often silenced pain of many woman I have come across in my life living in Africa.  I am hoping to have this novel published in 2023.

It is my hope that this book centered on woman’s health, is not only read by woman.  I strongly believe that men would gain (the often lacking) compassion and insight into woman’s health by connecting with each of these woman and their very personal stories.

A self-help book is in addition a work in progress but as a mother and wife finding the time to develop this is an ongoing personal challenge of my own !

In the meantime anyone wishing for tips and strategies for mental self-help can link onto my Instagram, Facebook or linked in page for monthly sharing portals.